Swiss Emmaus Leprosy Relief Work India (SEI) collaborates with the National Leprosy Eradication Program (NLEP) by providing medical and social rehabilitation services to people affected by leprosy. Following are the services offered by SEI India:
We at Swiss Emmaus India work with the mandate of 'Health for the poorest'. Our approach which perfectly captures the essence of social work and paves the path for a better tomorrow wherein no one is left behind from the primary health services. Following is the way forward at SEI
To improve the health of our communities by empowering and engaging them in planning & decision to improve their local health services.
To reduce the burden of the identified Neglected Tropical Diseases in SEI's project implementation areas.
To contribute to India's commitment to its national health equity, thereby contributing to global health equity.
To fulfil these objectives, SEI boasts a dedicated team of working professionals from the development sector across its four different offices and five project locations, providing services to the community like: -
Tertiary Leprosy Care
Field-based support
Prevention of disability projects
Children's education program
We match our paces with the developing technology and have two innovations to our name.
First is the Hospital Information System (HIS) – a centralized information panel that facilitates the monitoring of services being supported by SEI and Tablet Information System (TIS) – a handheld device which that captures field-based information about the project and feeds it into the central systems.
Swiss Emmaus Leprosy Relief Work India (SEI) collaborates with the National Leprosy Eradication Program (NLEP) by providing medical and social rehabilitation services to people affected by leprosy.