Swiss Emmaus Leprosy Relief Work India (SEI) is a non-profit development organization that works with a mandate of 'health for the poorest'. Swiss Emmaus Leprosy Relief Work India started its work in India in 1960 and initially worked to eliminate leprosy as a public health problem. For the past 59 years, SEI has dedicated itself to improving the lives of people affected by leprosy and other poverty related diseases through social and medical rehabilitation.
Swiss Emmaus India works mainly in collaboration with the Central and State Government in the Leprosy Control Program in partnership with local NGOs. SEI has its presence in 4 states namely Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra supporting 5 tertiary care hospitals (3 in Andhra Pradesh, 1 each in Tamil Nadu and Karnataka states respectively) which are recognized by the Central leprosy Division, Government of India. SEI's innovation regarding Hospital Information System (HIS) facilitates the monitoring of services being supported by SEI. A centralized HIS system is in place to capture the services provided to the people and analyze the type, frequency, and number of services provided to the beneficiaries.
SEI is also implementing 2 community based programs (one each in Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra state). In two such projects, a new innovation that is the Tablet Information System (TIS) was developed after the successful implementation of the hospital information system (HIS). While HIS captures information from SEI supported tertiary leprosy hospitals, TIS captures field based information. Both HIS and TIS capture comprehensive patient information and as a combination form a very potent tool to support the leprosy program. SEI has been facilitated with "Young Scientist Award" for this innovation in the ILC, Brussels 2013.
Sponsor a child’s education for a year
Care for a person affected by Leprosy
Support 3 awareness programs
Sponsor an ulcer care for a leprosy patient
Sponsor a reconstructive eye surgery
Sponsor the costs of general medicine
Sponsor special protective footwear
Sponsor a leprosy patient